Monday 24 October 2011

Lets Communicate!

Modern Communication
Principles of Design
There is a balance in this sketch as the large object is placed in the center and it is surrounded my all the smaller objects.
There is dominance in this sketch as well whereby the earth mostly domintaes the whole sketch compared to the other objects.

Elements of Design
The shapes used in this sketch is mostly geormetric.
The direction of this sketch would be oblique as the drawing around the earth gives an oblique effect.
The colours used are very bold and bright so that the sketch does not become boring.

I Hear You
Principles of Design
There is balance in this sketch as there is different sizes of the planets all drew in a straight line.
The most obvious principle of design would be the repetition.This sketch repeats the circular shape.

Elements of Design
Although the objects drew may give an oblique direction but they are drew on a staright line that gives a vertical line direction.
The colours used are bold and a combination of a few different colours to brighten up the sketch.
The shapes used is circles which is basicly geometric.


The Art of Communicating
Principles of Design
There is repetition in the sketch as there is a mirror effect top the drawing.
There is also contrasts in the drawing as only the ear phones are coloured in bright red colour.

Elements of Design
There are  alot of curvy lines used to form the faces.
There is a combination of different shapes present in this sketch.
There were not many colours used as only the important objects were emphasized.


Different Worlds
Principles of Design
There is repition as the mirror effect is peresnt.
The two large objects above the small earth however balances the sketch.

Elements of Design
There is a lot of curvy and staright lines used.
The colours used were bright to allow the message difference to stand out.


Principles of Design
The orange ring around the earth gives the sketch some kind of balance.
There is a lot of contrast between the two different coloured hands and the colourless earth.

Elements of Design
There is a lot of curvy lines in this sketch.
The colours used in this sketch is very basic and light except for the orange ring around the earth.


Principles of Design
The 4 human like figures drew is a form of repitition.
The 4 human like figures also dominates the whole sketch compared to the earth.

Elements of Design
The colours used are vibrant and bold.
The size of the 4 human like figures are large and occupy 3/4 of the space.

1 World
Principles of Design
There is balance in this sketch as there is a large hand and relatively small earth.
There is a lot of harmony in this sketch as well as the colours and the objects relate well.

Elements of Design
There are more curby lines used compared to staright lines.
The colours used relates to the colours of the objects in reality.


Futuristic Communication
Principles of Design
There is balance in this sketch as there are 2 large circles and smaller laptops.
The two circles drew are repition as the same shape is repeated twice.

Elements of Design
The shapes used are mostly geometric.
The colours contra with one another as dark colours are used agianst completely light colours.


Communication Bubbles
Principles of Design
There is a lot of repetition as the conversation bubbles are drew repeatedly.
There is positive balance as well as there is more than 2 different sizes.

Elements of Design
The size of the coversation bubbles are larger than the small figures.
There are many different shapes used in this sketch.



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